Monday, May 9, 2016

Another Monday - Waking Up at 5am

For the past few months, with very few exceptions, I have been waking up very early. I’m having trouble sleeping anyway and I’m trying to pin down why. I know I am under stress, but after 8 years in the ad business, I should hope that I am used to stress.

I feel very anxious. I am anxious to get things moving, to build my company, to get started on client work. To prove that this idea of mine will work. But I think that stress has been an important reason that it’s been so much easier for me to get up and get going each morning.

Anyone who is thinking they'd like to become a morning person should try just getting stressed out of their minds. It's like starting each day with a Red Bull, Jolt Cola, and 2-3 cups of coffee.