Sunday, November 6, 2016

Day 19: I’m Grateful for Finn

Finn is my second child, but my first son. Just like with our first, I learned again with this baby that each person is unique and individual. With all three of our children, I have found that I learn as much from them as they might be able to learn from me. But Finn is special. He is truly the most pure, most angelic human being I have ever met. He is just so good! I am astonished anew each and every time that he demonstrates love, kindness, unselfishness, and pure charity. With Finn, Ginny always uses the word “sweet.” And that’s just it, like the taste of sugar, Finn makes people happy, brings a smile to their face, and makes you want more. He’s just the kind of person you want to be around. And an example to me of what the Savior meant when he said, “Become like little children.”

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